Cultural Warning
People of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent should be aware that the Wurli-Wurlinjang Health Service website may contain images and names of people who have died.

Your Record is Confidential
At Wurli we keep your patient record electronically and maintain security of your personal health information at all times, ensuring it is only available to authorised persons. You have the right to access your personal health information.

Complaints and Suggestions
We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. Please feel free to talk to any member of the Wurli health team or Wurli Board of Directors if you have concerns. We will work to resolve any issues and obtain the best result. Complaints may be made in writing, addresses to our CEO, the Board, or the Director of Medical Services.

You can also email us at, or use the suggestion box in the health centres.

If the problem cannot be resolved this way, you may contact the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner on 1800 806 380

Wurli-Wurlinjang Health Service comes under the rules and regulations of the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ICN 1386)

Our ABN is 96997270879

Generic Privacy Statement
Wurli-Wurlinjang Health Service (Wurli) is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Primary Health Care Organisation.

Our functions and responsibilities require us to collect and handle large amounts of personal and health information about individuals, our employees and other persons, including contracted service providers, who assist us in the work that we do. We are committed to the protection of your privacy and in our handling of personal and health information. We are required by the Privacy Act (1988) and National Privacy Principles (NPPs) to take reasonable steps to let people know the sort of information we hold, the purposes for which we collect it, and how we collect, hold, use and disclose that information.

A copy of our Privacy Policy can be found here.

Website Privacy Statement
About this statement
The Privacy Statement explains our policy for handling personal information which you may provide to us when you access and interact with our website. This Statement should be read in conjunction with Wurli-Wurlinjang’s Privacy Policy and which sets out which sets out why and how we collect, use, disclose, store and handle personal and health information.

Wurli has a privacy collection statement that applies to all methods of collecting personal information (including hardcopy, electronic or verbal means). The privacy collection statement can be found here.

Website Privacy Statement
When you look at Wurli-Wurlinjang Health Service’s website our server makes a record of your visit and logs the following information:

Your browser’s internet address; the date and time of your visit to the site; the pages you accessed and documents downloaded; the previous site visited; the type of browser you are using; and the username entered if accessing a restricted site.

Wurli uses this information for statistical purposes and for system administration tasks to maintain this web service. We do not attempt to identify individual’s personal information.

Wurli endeavours to ensure our website is as secure as possible; however, users need to be aware that the World Wide Web is not a secure medium.

Links to other websites
Our site may contain links to external websites which Wurli adds to enhance the service we offer and expand upon the information readily available to users. Once a user decides to click on a link and navigate away from the Wurli website, the privacy policy noted here is no longer in effect. Users are recommended to familiarise themselves with the privacy policies on these websites once they browse and interact with them.

Emailing Wurli
If at any stage you provide us with your email address either as part of a message or by completing a web form, we will only use the contact information you provide in accordance with our privacy policy.

When you send us an email, the contents of your email and your email address are generally retained by us for only as long as is necessary to respond to your inquiry. However, they may be retained for longer if you consent, or where we believe we are required or authorised by law to retain the information for a longer period.

We may only use your email address for any purpose for which you provide it. We may also use it to respond to feedback given to us about our website and our services, to provide you with any information you request, to confirm receipt of emails you have sent to us or if we need to contact you for any other reason.

When you subscribe or opt-in to receive publicity communication from the Wurli by electronic mail, you should be aware that any information you provide including your name (you can use an alias if you choose to do so) and email address will be stored on a database.

Information you provide will not be provided to other or third parties. You can opt-out from receiving publicity communications from Wurli at any time via an unsubscribe link that can be found at the bottom of every publicity email sent to you by Wurli.