About Us

Community Controlled
Wurli-Wurlinjang is an Aboriginal community controlled organisation, and we are governed by a Board of Directors elected by our members who live in Katherine and the surrounding community living areas we service.
Wurli-Wurlinjang Health Service comes under the rules and regulations of the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ICN 1386)
Our Board of Directors has representatives from:
Myalli Brumby (four positions)
Rockhole (four positions)
Katherine town (four positions)
Binjari (two positions)
Directors are elected for three-year terms. This ensures each community has a voice in the management and operation of the service.
Board members take their governance responsibilities seriously. They understand their communities and the issues which are of concern to residents, and undertake training provided by the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations.
Together, the Board of Directors make all policy decisions and prioritise the organisation’s focus and activities, whilst receiving advice and information from, and giving direction to the Management team.
Our Vision
“To move forward as one, to heal our people and improve our health”
Our Values and Behaviours
- Respect our elders and our culture
- Empower people to take responsibility for their own health
- Ensure good governance and take responsibility for our organisation
- Recognise diversity among Aboriginal people in Katherine and the importance of a variety of approaches
- Understand and acknowledge that health and healing is not only a job for health professionals but for everyone
- Foster respect between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people
- Strive to achieve equitable health outcomes for all clients