Strong Indigenous Families (SIF)

Wurli’s Strong Indigenous Families (SIF) Program aims to address the behaviours that lead to family and domestic violence to improve the safety of women and their children.

Through the delivery of therapeutic services for children and case management services for the family, SIF works towards breaking the inter-generational cycle of family and domestic violence and the removal of children from families.

Our Strong Indigenous Families Program is funded by the Commonwealth Government, National Indigenous Australians Agency – Safety and Wellbeing Program.

What to see us for

You can come and see us for support for the following:

  • Family safety planning;
  • A range of therapeutic services and activities targeted at children and family units;
  • Case management services including assistance with navigating services and advocacy support;
  • Assistance with accessing emergency and crisis services;
  • Referral to other required services; and;
  • Community education and information.

How to see us

You can come see a Strong Indigenous Families (SIF) staff member at 9 Second Street, during our operating hours.

You can phone 08 8972 9100 and ask to be picked up. We will drop you back home when finished

How to contact us

Ring 08 8972 9180 and ask to speak to the SIF staff member.