Dental Health Program
Wurli has a Dental service that operates from our Dental Clinic at the back of the Main Clinic with a Dentist who is supported by a Dental Assistant and Liaison Officer. All current ATSI clients who are residents of Katherine and our surrounding communities (within our 40km radius) can see the Dentist after having a Health Check at Wurli.
Appointments are made after the Health Checks have been completed and clients are then referred to get an OPG X-Ray of their teeth at the Katherine Hospital prior to their appointment.
Non-ATSI clients or ATSI clients from communities outside of Katherine will be referred to the Government Centre Dental Clinic..
Main Clinic operating hours
Monday: 8.30am – 4pm
Tuesday: 8.30am – 4pm
Wednesday: 8.30am – 11.30am
Thursday: 8.30am – 4pm
Friday: 8.30am – 4pm
How to contact us
Ring 89 729 100 or Freecall 1800 987 547 and press option 1 to speak to the main clinic receptionist or to arrange transport
How to see us
Clients can ‘walk in’ at any time during operating hours but if you prefer, the clinic also operates an appointment system for current clients.
Access to the clinic is improved by our transport service, which can collect clients from anywhere within 40 kilometres of Katherine.
We will send out reminder letters and messages to you and family when due for an appointment or other type of follow up care